May 5 | The Hotel UMD, College Park, Maryland

2021 Conference Agenda

Tuesday, August 31

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

08:00-09:00 Registration

09:00 – 10:30 Opening Plenary Session

09:00 Welcome and Introduction (M0a) Timothy Woodcome, Director, NQA, USA

09:05 Security and Resiliency of the Defense Industrial Base Supply Chain (M0b) Ellen Lord, Former Undersecretary Acquisition and Sustainment, U.S. Department of Defense

09:45 Perspective on Supply Chain Risk Management in the Federal Space (M0c) Keith Nakasone, Former Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Acquisition, Office of Information Technology Category, Federal Acquisition Service, GSA; and Federal Strategist, VMware

10:30-10:50 Networking Break in Exhibits

10:50-12:50 Conference Session

CMMC Overview

Moderator: Michael Baker, Staff VP, CISO, General Dynamics Information Technology

10:50 EO14028: Supply Chain Cybersecurity is More Than Just CMMC (M1a) Gordon Bitko, Senior Vice President of Policy, Public Sector, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)

11:20 Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information in Nonfederal Systems: The NIST Special Publication 800-171 Series (M1b) Victoria Pillitteri, Acting Manager, Security Engineering & Risk Management Group, NIST

11:50 Controlled Unclassified Information and NIST SP 800-171 (M1c) Devin Casey, Program Analyst, US Department of State

12:20 CMMC Untangled–Strategies for Cybersecurity Compliance (M1d) Eric Crusius, Partner, Holland & Knight

12:50–13:50 Lunch in Exhibit Area

13:50-14:50 Conference Session

Panel Discussion

13:50 Panel Discussion: CMMC Best Practices for Small and Medium Sized Businesses (M2a) Moderator: Tim Burke, Principal Product Manager, Pondurance Panelists: Matt Gilbert, Principal, Baker Tilly US; Kyle Lai, Founder, CISO, KLC Consulting; Buddy Willis, Director Of Technical Services, D-J Engineering Group; Armando Seay, Co-Founder and Member Board of Directors, MISI

14:50-15:10 Networking Break in Exhibits

(Exhibits close at 15:10)

15:10-16:40 Conference Session

CMMC in Practice

Moderator: Andrew Stewart, Senior Federal Strategist, Cisco Systems

15:10 CMMC: The Legal and Contractual Implications (M3a) Jon Williams, Partner, PilieroMazza PLLC; Anna Wright, Associate, PilieroMazza PLLC

15:40 What to Expect from a CMMC C3PAO (M3b) Timothy Woodcome, Director, NQA, USA

16:10 CMMC Assessment Expectations/Walkthrough–What the Auditors Are Looking For! (M3c) Fred Tschirgi, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Perry Johnson Registrars

16:40-17:00 Networking Break

17:00-18:30 Conference Session

CMMC in Practice

Moderator: Ben Tchoubineh, Chief Administrative Officer, CyNtelligent Solutions

17:00 Understanding and Demystifying CMMC Compliance (M4a) Tara Lemieux, Certified CMMC Provisional Assessor and Lead Auditor for ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 20000-1 and ISO/IEC 27001, ANTS

17:30 Applying Data Protection Best Practices to CMMC (M4b) Bill Becker, VP Product Management, Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies

18:00 CMMC AB Outlook (M4c) Jeff Dalton, President and CEO, Broadsword Solutions Corporation, Vice Chairman, CMMC-AB

18:30 Adjourn