Reserve a booth space in the 2023 CMMC Day Conference showcase exhibition. The same attendee traffic flow as seen in 2022 will be formatted for 2023: all breaks, lunches, and hospitality events are held in the Exhibit Hall. Includes: PRE-EVENT: Digital: Beryllium logo + 150-word description on conference website Sponsor Page + Link from conference website to your website • Logo included on email campaigns during pre-conf ramp-up in April/May 2023 ON-SITE: Beryllium logo + 150-word description in printed Conference Program Guide distributed to 200+ attendees • Networking home base with table-top booth space includes a 5’ x 30” high table, chairs, and Beryllium logo’d company ID sign • Two (2) complimentary conference registration passes ($290 value each) • Code good for 20% discount for unlimited VIP guests • Admission to all conference activities POST-EVENT: Digital: Logo + 150-word description on archived conference website Sponsor Page